Bacon Jam

If you love bacon, and who doesn’t, you are going to want to try this magical concoction. Bacon slowly simmered with onions, brown sugar, syrup, and balasamic vinegar creates a thick rich jam that can be used in a variety of ways.

I tried this for the first time the other week to have as a condiment for Smash Burgers I was making and it added a really unique flavor to them that me and my wife both really enjoyed. The jam has a sweet rich flavor from the bacon and sugar combination but the vinegar cuts it enough so its not too overpowering. This can be stored in a refrigerator and reused for up to a week. When you want to resue it make sure to take it out of the refridgerator and let it come back up to room temperature first.

Cooking Basics

There is not too much prep work to this recipe. The first step you will need to do is chop yrou bacon into small pieces and then cook that in a pan until it becomes crispy. This will take about 10 minutes. Once this is done remove the bacon with a slotted spoon and set aside.

Cooked Bacon

Next you will need to chop up your onions to whatever size you wish for the jam. I perfer smaller pieces but go with what you like.

Onions Chopped

For the next step remove all of the bacon grease from the pan except for 1 tablespoon and then add the onion to the pan. Cooking the onoin in the bacon grease will just give it a ittle more flavor. Cook the onion on low heat until the onions have become translucent. This will take 8 to 10 minutes. Next add in your brown sugar and cook for another 10 minutes to allow the onions to carmelize

Cooked Onions

Once your onions are carmelized you will add back in the rsserved bacon as well as the rest fo the ingredients. You will then cook on low heat for about 20 to 25 minutes allowing the mixture to cook down and become thick.

Cooking Down Mixture

Once this is complete yrou jam is ready to eat.

Final Thoughts

Alternatives - There are some alternatives I have already been thinking of trying to experiment with while making this recipe as well as different ways to use the jam once its made so I wanted to talk about some of them before we get to the recipe.

  • Sweetness - There are some ways you could change this recipe up pretty easily if you were interested in experimenting. The first thing I think of is where the sweetness comes from. I have been hooked on hot honey since I tried it. I would like to try out using some hot honey instead of syrup next time to see what kind of flavor I get from that.

  • Uses - You can obviously use this as a condiment for burgers and it is great. Another way you could make use of this could be with toast in the morning. I would also like to try this out with cheese and crackers as an appetizer.

If you try out any different variations of this please leave a comment and let me know what you tried and how it turned out.


Bacon Jam Recipe

If you love bacon, and who doesn't, you are going to want to try this magical concoction. Bacon slowly simmered with onions, brown sugar, syrup, and balasamic vinegar creates a thick rich jam that can be used in a variety of ways.

Recipe Information

  • Prep Time: 5 Minutes
  • Cook Time: 55 Minutes
  • Rest Time: 0 Minutes
  • Total Time: 1 Hour
  • Servings: 10
  • Category: Sauce


  • 1 lb Bacon chopped
  • 2 Onions diced
  • 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1/4 Cup Maple Syrup
  • 1 Tsp Minced Garlic
  • 1/3 Cup Brewed Coffee


  1. Chop up bacon into 1/3 inch pieces and cook in pan until crisp (10 minutes)
  2. Remove bacon from pan with slotted spoon and set aside. Remove all but 1 tablespoon of baocn grease.
  3. Chop up onoins into small pieces and put them in pan with garlic and bacon grease.
  4. Cook onions on medium heat until translucent. (8 - 10 minutes)
  5. Add brown sugar and cook on low until onions are carmelized (10 minutes)
  6. Add bacon back in the pan as well as all remaining ingredients and cook on low to allow the mixture to cook down and thicken up (25 - 30 minutes)
  7. Serve and enjoy!
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